Love Sniper is a visual novel in which players take on the role of Heiji Akagi, a young high school student who is in love with the beautiful Ageha Shirogane, whom he wishes he could confess his love to once and for all...and hope that it is mutual, of course.
The game's story takes an unexpected turn when, after reading the letter in which Heiji confesses his love, a fun cupid appears to give him advice on what to do. It's now up to the player to help the lead character one way or another.
Gameplay is very simple: you'll have to read the dialogues and make decisions based on what you want Heiji to do. There are no right or wrong decisions, only what you want to do. In fact, Love Sniper comes with over a dozen different endings which you can reach depending on the decision you make.
Love Sniper is a fun visual novel with great graphics that will be especially appealing to fans of anime because of its aesthetics and its fun love story.
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